Friday, October 30, 2009

Across the Seas

This post is being published while I am away “across the seas” as we left for a little trip. My daughter will administer the comments for me while I am away.

Rather than telling you where we are I thought I would post some postcards, vintage and new, to give you a hint of the countries and cities we will visit. Let me know if you recognize any scenery.

No. 1 - We flew to this city and may visit this building –

No. 2 - Then we will take the train to this city. The port used to look like this years ago – and it could look the same. I shall take some pictures and bring them back.

No. 3 - Then we will stop in this city and visit this park, may be –

No. 4 - After all the walking we will be pleased to stop in this country and eat some local food –

No. 5 - This will be my first time in this country, which is small but quite old –

No. 6 - I have been in this country several times but never on this island –

No. 7 - I visited this town many years ago when I was a teenager. I am sure much of it has changed, but on the other hand, a lot will be the same –

No. 8 - I stopped in this port with my mum when I was a little girl so I won’t recognize any of it and it will be fun to re-discover it.

So this is my little trip. I picked up the idea of the title for this post by reading one of my vintage cards. The few lines were written by Clifton Bingham (1859-1913) who wrote many verses for children’s picture books in the late Victorian and Edwardian period. He was from England and started working in his family’s extensive bookselling business but then branched out to writing and composing. He wrote the lyrics for the famous song "Love's Old Sweet Song" which was sung by Deanna Durbin the famous Canadian movie star from the 1930s. Here is the well known chorus -

"Just a song at twilight, when the lights are low,
And the flick'ring shadows softly come and go.
Tho' the heart be weary, sad the day and long,
Still to us at twilight comes love's old sweet song."

Here is Clifton Bingham’s little poem from my vintage card, shown below:

What happier greetings can there be,
Whatever may befall,

Clasp hands with me across the sea,

And God be with us all.”


  1. *** Bonjour Vagabonde ! (et au passage bonjour aussi à ta fille qui s'occupe de ton blog pendant ton absence ! :o)

    J'aime beaucoup cette visite de ce que tu vas voir au delà des mers ! Ces cartes postales anciennes ont un charme fou !

    J'espère que ton voyage se passe bien, que vous profitez à 100 % et que le couscous était bon ! huuummmm ! Miam ! :o)


  2. What fun! I love the old postcards and I wish you a Bon Voyage and a safe return.

  3. Well, I could guess, but I would be doing just that: guessing, except of course I think I would be right just by default. It looks like quite a long trip, and this can only mean one thing: pictures! For me! VB, I look forward to your return for many reasons, but that is one I must confess. Travel safely.

  4. Tu viens de Virginie en bateau !
    J'aimerais faire comme toi, une croisière, mais mon Chéri n'aime pas ça. Bonne croisière, alors !

  5. Vagabonde- Great post! You do lead such an exciting life with all of your travels! Sounds like a wonderful trip and I will look forward to hearing about it and seeing your fabulous photos! Meanwhile, Bon voyage, cher! Enjoy yourself and have a few drinks for me! Cheers!

  6. What an interesting way to post about a trip - your so creative.

    Beautiful trips and to me it seams like your going far east - at least quite exotic for a Norwegian :-)

    Safe trip!

  7. Of course I recognize Venice and I am sure that the next one is Rome, but am unsure about the others. I know you will be on the Mediterranean and will cross from an island (Malta?) to, perhaps, Israel although the cous-cous hint at an Arab country. Since I am guessing at most of the places, I think I should stop while I'm ahead with Venice and Rome.

    Wherever you are, have an exciting time. I must say I envy you.

  8. Wow! Sounds like it will be a great vacation. Can't wait to hear more about it.

  9. It looks like you will have a gorgeous trip. Have fun.

  10. I'm not sure exactly where you are off to, but I think North Africa is involved somehow. Wherever you are, I'm sure you'll have a marvellous and safe vacation, and I'm looking forward to hearing your stories when you return.


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