I must go down to the seas again, to the lonely sea and the sky,
And all I ask is a tall ship and a star to steer her by,
And the wheel's kick and the wind's song and the white sail's shaking,
And a grey mist on the sea's face, and a grey dawn breaking.
I must go down to the seas again, for the call of the running tide
Is a wild call and a clear call that may not be denied;
And all I ask is a windy day with the white clouds flying,
And the flung spray and the blown spume, and the sea-gulls crying.
The Flying Cloud, Montague Dawson, English 1895-1973
Is a wild call and a clear call that may not be denied;
And all I ask is a windy day with the white clouds flying,
And the flung spray and the blown spume, and the sea-gulls crying.

I must go down to the seas again, to the vagrant gypsy life,
To the gull's way and the whale's way, where the wind's like a whetted knife;
Seagulls, Timothy Widener, American, contemporary
To the gull's way and the whale's way, where the wind's like a whetted knife;

And all I ask is a merry yarn from a laughing fellow-rover,
And quiet sleep and a sweet dream when the long trick's over.
–John Masefield, English, 1878-1967
Boats in a Fjord, Normann Adelsteen, Norwegian 1848-1918
I heard this sea shanty and did not quite get all the words, but I understood “Good-bye Fare ye well” and “ We’re homeward bound. “ So I thought it would be a fitting end to this post.And quiet sleep and a sweet dream when the long trick's over.
–John Masefield, English, 1878-1967

the 97th Regimental String Band singing the sea shanty “Good-bye Fare ye well”
Picture at the very top was taken in the port of Genoa, Italy, last November 2009
Note: Blogger Break - Post pre-programmed –
I've loved the Masefield poem since I was a teenager. And the Dawson Painting is another favorite. Dahl is new to me but that's a beautiful seascape!
*** Merci Vagabonde pour ces magnifiques illustrations mais aussi pour ce beau poème de Masefield !
Je te souhaite bon voyage et JE T'EMBRASSE BIEN FORT !!!!! A bientôt ! :o) ***
I liked your photo of the boat tied up in port of Genoa. Do you have any information about it? B.
Je viens découvrir votre blog car j'ai lu que vous serez présente à Oslo. Je commence à être très impatiente car le grand moment approche.
Donc à très bientôt et en attendant je vais apprendre quelques mots de norvégien!!!
Fitting poem. I'm such a terrible excuse for a Canadian... I've never been traveled within the country outside of Ontario! Newfoundland looks great. I will go someday. I love the fog over the cliffs and the water.
Lovely pictures, and the poem reminds me of learning it as a child. Thank you, and wherever you are, stay safe and enjoy yourself.
I saw a ship like that once in Barcelona. Wonder if it's the same one. Best wishes and good luck. Are you in Oslo?
That poem is one I memorized long ago when in high school, and every word was a pleasure to read again today! Interesting that when you spend the time to remember each word, it makes a groove in the brain that loves to be visited again.
Now that poem will be wafting through my head for days. Thank you for that!!
I am just home from the sea. Enjoy your roaming.
Have a great time! I'll look forward to details and reviews of all that you're doing,as I've been flipping through catalogues for Nordic cruise lines.
I posted the Masefield poem myself some time ago, it is even more lyrical when you read it out loud.
Beautiful selection of images to go with the poem and a lovely voyage into a bygone time.
Love the poetry -- Masefield is a favorite of mine -- and the chantey!!!
I wish you bon voyage and can't wait to see your discoveries!!!!
Down to the sea in ships. I love the sea and the closest I came to an ocean voyage was a cruise on the Mediterranian. I loved it.
I wonder where you are going this time??
Your post about ships and the sea is lovely. And I see you have included a view of my favourite Canadian province - Newfoundland!
Have a good blog break, see you when you get back!
I have always wanted to visit Newfoundland, New Brunswick, and Prince Edward Island. I hope that you are visiting these areas, so that I will be able to visit them through you!
I do believe I know where you're off to, Vagabonde, and just wish I could join you there. You won't be that far from us, you know. :) Enjoy every minute. I'll be so eager to hear all about it!
Love the poem and adore the sea. Could never live very far from it. I wish I could live on a boat. Maybe in the far future? Ciao. A.
Vagabonde, I would love to see a ship like that. Enjoy your time away!
Simply lovely. I hope you are having a wonderful break!
Bon Voyage, Vagabonde! You are truly living up to your name. You have set a beautiful mood of oceans, ships, fjords and seagulls. Enjoy your break and come back with lots of stories and photos!
The artwork is lovely, and a good introduction to your up and coming trip to Norway! We have a lot of sea here ;-) Sea you soon then!
Les images des bateaux sont superbes. Je n'aurais jamais pu être marin, j'ai trop peur des profondeurs et des vagues.
Je me plais dans la mer que quand elle est d'huile et de préfrence où j'ai pied.
C'est bêten hein !
Tu nous offres encore de belles illustrations.
Came from another blog. Love your post - I am particularly fond of ships, and of travel. I am Dutch, but have lived for 20+ years now in L.A. Also have French roots.
Curious how you can have dual citizenship?
When you come back from vacation, look me up:)
Always been of my favourite poems and beautifully posted here with the choice of illustrations. The Tall Ships are coming into port here this month but unfortunately I will not have time to make it over to the coast to see them. They are such a wonderful sight! Hope you are having a good break.
Smooth sailing, calm breezes and wishes for fresh seafood to abundantly grace your table. I look forward to wonderful posts and pictures of your vacation,
Dear Vagabonde, I remember Pablo Neruda with your post, and all his love for the sea... "amo el amor de los marineros que besan y se van, dejan una promesa, no vuelven nunca más."
maria cecilia
Lovely poetry, paintings, and post! Bon voyage, cher amie, and have fun!
*** Coucou Chère Vagabonde :o) Je te souhaite une bonne fin de semaine et surtout UN BON VENDREDI 13 ! Qu'il ne soit fait que du bonheur ! :o) GROS BISOUS ! :o) ***
Have a great sea break!
I totally understand, I grew up by the sea and sometimes, I just have to go there. It is soothing...
BTW, the picture taken in Newfoundland is gorgeous. I have to go visit this part of Canada some day.
*** Un petit bonjour mais surtout de GROSSES BISES pour venir te souhaiter un BON ET AGRÉABLE WEEK-END ! :o) ***
I remember this poem from long ago - it has a wonderful metre to it. To think you were only 2 1/2 hours from me last November! We skimmed past Genoa only two nights ago, and I made a note to return there one day to take a longer look. So far I've gone past it about 8 times but only stopped once.
Mon dieu, Vagabonde even your pre-programmed posts are lovely. Such care you take!
My most favourite poem. I was brought up on a 56 ft Ex Navy Cruiser in London, got my Navigational License by the time I was 17 and was off and sailing around the Med soon after. The family also has Gypsy roots so the line "The Vagrant Gypsy Life" is me to a "T". Now at 63 I have a 25ft RV, travelling around the U.S. and occasionally still crewing for friends in California. Never made much money but seen a lot of places and been very happy in my adventures. Great to read of someone else's trip, write often please.
All the best
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