Over the years I have visited many islands – some in France and other European countries, other in the United States and Canada, some in Asia, in Africa and some in the Caribbean. One of the pleasures of getting on in age is the delight of reflecting on all these trips. Some were close to where I lived, such as the Ile de la Cité, which is the little island where Notre Dame de Paris stands, and some were far away such as Koh Samui in Thailand.
Some large islands like Vancouver Island , Prince Edwards Island and Newfoundland in Canada have become favorites but I also found a lot of charm in smaller islands like the island of Gorée (off the coast of Sénégal, Africa) Mykonos in Greece, Bali in Indonesia and Djerba in Tunisia.
There are still many islands I would like to explore such as Tahiti and Hawaii.
I hope to see some new islands this year, and if and when I do, I’ll share my pictures on future posts.
If Once You Have Slept on an Island
If once you have slept on an island
You'll never be quite the same;
You may look as you looked the day before
And go by the same old name,
Caldy Island 1879, John Brett, English 1831-1902
You'll never be quite the same;
You may look as you looked the day before
And go by the same old name,

You may bustle about in street and shop
You may sit at home and sew,
But you'll see blue water and wheeling gulls
Wherever your feet may go.
You may sit at home and sew,
But you'll see blue water and wheeling gulls
Wherever your feet may go.
You may chat with the neighbors of this and that
And close to your fire keep,
But you'll hear ship whistle and lighthouse bell
And tides beat through your sleep.
Grand Bank Lighthouse (taken on the coast of Newfoundland in August 2008)
And close to your fire keep,
But you'll hear ship whistle and lighthouse bell
And tides beat through your sleep.
Oh! you won't know why and you can't say how
Such a change upon you came,
But once you have slept on an island,
You'll never be quite the same.
- Rachel Field, American, 1894-1942
Such a change upon you came,
But once you have slept on an island,
You'll never be quite the same.
- Rachel Field, American, 1894-1942
Si vous avez dormi une fois sur un île…
Si vous avez dormi une fois sur une île
Vous ne serez plus vraiment la même;
Vous semblez être pareille que la veille
Avec les mêmes occupations et le même nom

Vous ne serez plus vraiment la même;
Vous semblez être pareille que la veille
Avec les mêmes occupations et le même nom

Shores of Long Beach, Pacific Rim, BC, Canada
(modern postcard purchased on Vancouver Island)
(modern postcard purchased on Vancouver Island)
Vous pouvez marcher vite dans les chemins
et entrer dans les magasins,
Ou vous reposer chez vous, à coudre,
Mais partout où vous irez, vous verrez des eaux bleues
Et des oiseaux crier.
Mykonos Island, Greece (modern postcard purchased on the island)
et entrer dans les magasins,
Ou vous reposer chez vous, à coudre,
Mais partout où vous irez, vous verrez des eaux bleues
Et des oiseaux crier.

Avec vos voisins, vous allez parler de tout et de rien,
Ou rester près du feu,
Mais vous entendrez mugir les sirènes de navire
et sonner les cloches des phares,
Et les marées berceront votre sommeil.

Ou rester près du feu,
Mais vous entendrez mugir les sirènes de navire
et sonner les cloches des phares,
Et les marées berceront votre sommeil.
sur une ile dans les Caraïbes (on an island in the Caribbean)
Oh! Vous ne saurez pourquoi, et ne pourrez expliquer comment,
Ce tel changement a eu lieu,
Mais une fois que vous avez dormi sur une île,
Vous ne serez jamais vraiment la même".
Rachel Field, Américaine,1894-1942
Mont St Michel 1868, William Stanley Aseltine, American 1835-1900
Ce tel changement a eu lieu,
Mais une fois que vous avez dormi sur une île,
Vous ne serez jamais vraiment la même".
Rachel Field, Américaine,1894-1942

Blog Break - Post pre-programmed –
Hi Vagabonde! My, it's been a long time. Islands are so special. I love the idea of being on a separate landmass, far from everything else. I also love the idea of being surrounded by water! Your pictures are great.
I'm sure you would love Hawaii. It is comprised of several islands! I'm trying to think of which one might be your favourite. You must go sometime!
There's truly something special about an island. I was born on an island and hope to make my home on this other island for the rest of my days.
Oh! Oh! Oh! Fabulous pictures, VB, and I also love islands. I spent eight years on one, Puerto Rico. I hope you are having a wonderful blogging break...
I have visited few islands, thanks for the virtual visit!
A vast program; there are thousands and thousands! Yes, I would also like to do as many as possible!
Knowing you, dear Vagabonde, you will see as much of the world you can possibly see before you kick the bucket. And we are the lucky ones who will get to see your images and read your stories.
In the meantime, I can hardly wait to hear about your time in Oslo.
Beautiful series of images and the poem draws them all together.
Now, is Britain an island? Or is it too big? There ought to be words for big islands and small islands. If the inuit can have forty-seven (or whatever the number) words for snow, surely we can have more words for islands. Did you know that Britain is an archipelago of more than 7,000 islands, but I can only think of five that I've slept on.
Brilliant idea and what a great collection of Photo's and Paintings.
Excellent post.
What a beautiful posting and poem! My favorite islands: Whidbey and St. Barths -- very different but each perfect in its own way!
What a lovely poem. I miss living on an island. There's nothing finer.
Thanks for this gorgeous selection of photos. I feel as if I've been around the world.
Bonjour Vagabonde.
Il me semble reconnaître sur la première image, l'Ile de Sainte Lucie, non loin de la Martinique.
Nous sommes allés y faire une virée un jour en bateau.
Nous avons accosté dans un endroit pareil à celui-là, là où L'amiral Nelson avait planqué sa flotte derrière la rangé de cocotiers.
C'est peut être le plus bel endroit de cette île, car le reste de notre visite ne nous a pas laissé un souvenir imperrissable.
Le Mont Saint Michel est une merveille et la première fois que nous avons dormi sur l'ÎLE DE LA MARTINIQUE, nous y sommes retourner plusieurs fois pour mieux la connaître, et nous y retournerons cet automne encore.
Il y a aussi les îles comme l'île d'Ouat, Belle-Ile et l'île d'Aix que j'ai visitées non loin de nos côtes atlantiques et l'île de berder sur laquelle je suis allée en colonie de vacances.
I started life on the island of Java and have always lived near the sea since. Beautiful, elaborate pre-programmed post.
I hope you enjoyed your vacation!
Another beautiful and thoughtful post -- We have an Island in Michigan -- Mackinac Island. No cars are allowed and they must sell a mountain of fudge each summer to visitors. Yes, touristy. But also a lovely place to go!
Loved the painting of Ile de la Citie!
There is a really special feeling any time you are around the water, the scent of the fresh sea air and the sunshine (if you are luckier then we have been lately in Oslo). I love your collection of islands and will dream of them when the Norwegian winter moves in. Thank you for coming to OsloBG, it was so great to get to know you. I am reading one of your books now, the one by the author from Asheville - and enjoying it very much thank you!
I also love islands, and especially small ones. I have a very small island in the river behind my home. We hope to someday build a bridge to it, but for now we must walk across a stream to reach it.
One of my favorite childhood memories is of camping on an island on the Mississippi River with my family. We boated to it and slept in a tent. We felt so adventurous!
Dear blogging friends – thank you for coming to my blog while I was away. I appreciate your visit and your comments. I am quite behind now but I’ll try to come and visit your blogs in the next few days. Thanks again.
I love the very idea of Mont St. Michel! So romantic!
You have been to some islands that I would love to see - Newfoundland, in particular. Mont St Michel is on my list, too, and perhaps there is a small chance I'll get to it while we still live in France. My daughter just visited Mykonos and thought it was lovely, but didn't appreciate all the Italians there.
You have picked some rather nice themes for these programmed posts. I bet your house is always tidy!! :) Bises!
lovely picture!! and always love island..with the beach and sand..soo, relaxing:)
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