Cobb County is located near Atlanta, Georgia. It was created in 1832 from the huge Native American Cherokee territory, northwest of the Chattahoochee River. This land was confiscated from the original Cherokee Nation following the passage of the federal Indian Removal Act. The Cherokee people were then forced to march to Indian Territory (present day Oklahoma state) on the infamous “Trail of Tears” where many perished (see my post on this here.)

We live in the west part of Cobb County and are about the same distance from 4 towns in this county: Marietta (the county seat) - Kennesaw (close to Kennesaw Mountain National Battlefield Park where the Atlanta campaign started during the Civil War) – Acworth and Powder Springs.
Last week-end we decided to go walking around Marietta Square in the center of Marietta. It has several alleys close by – some pretty – some, not so pretty, but beautiful flowers and tall shady trees in the square.
It is a quaint, turn of the century square with Victorian era store fronts,

two theatres and several restaurants. One of our favorites is the Australian Bakery, owned by Australian folks.

A dance studio is also facing the square (I peeked in and took a picture.)
People like to take their pets to the Square – dogs, or birds.

The fountain in the center of the Square is an ideal place to take pictures. When we were there last we watched a colorful wedding party.

Lovely antique stores bordering the Square have intriguing and nostalgic inventories where we like to browse. Last time we walked there I had taken some pictures (you can see my reflection in the glass, next to my husband.) I believe I have that Doors album – is it an antique already?
We also went into the antique shops to have a look but mostly to get away from the hot sun (it was over 95 degrees F (35 C.) Below are some of the things we saw – how about the history of jolly old England?

My favorite item there was the little Art Deco blue lamp on the top right corner in the collage below… but I did not get it.

To get back to my story, on that Monday, Labor Day, everything was very quiet near our home but after we parked the car and started to approach the Marietta Square we could see crowds and the roads blocked. What was going on?

To get back to my story, on that Monday, Labor Day, everything was very quiet near our home but after we parked the car and started to approach the Marietta Square we could see crowds and the roads blocked. What was going on?

There was a large array of beautiful art – painting, sculpture, jewelry and unusual objects – we could have spent a lot of money if we did not have a house already full to the brim with things of all kind. We went lazily around and I took pictures (when they let me.) Here is a sample of some paintings:

An artist was making brooms and an assortment of brooms with carved handles was for sale.

Many potters were there, too many to photograph. Here is a sample:

Lovely jewelry

I already have some nice wood pieces that I bought in Montana and Quebec but my husband and I were tempted…

I like this cat painted on tiles,
and also this glass window, reminiscent of Vincent van Gogh's "The Starry Night" - 1889.
What about these lovely sea grass baskets hand-made by an artist from South Carolina? This is a true African American art form which started during the end of the seventeenth century. The Sea Island basket weaving tradition came out of rice cultivation during the 1680’s.

I did not enter the handmade dresses and wraps booth as I only wear casual clothes nowadays.

I took so many pictures but I am running out of space on this post. Here is my last collage

The painting below is the painting that I would have liked to take home and hang where I could look at it and imagine that I was really looking out to sea. It is a nice trompe l’oeil as we call this type of painting in French. It means to deceive the eye, to make an optical illusion. I need more illusions.
Short Break - Post pre-programmed –
What a perfectly fun day! Love the collages. I am trying ton learn how to do them. Thanks for the history lesson
It's amazing to me the original extent of the Cherokees and how many states it included.
Marietta is quite charming with the Victorian store fronts. We don't live too far away, but as you might guess our main stop there is Harry's Whole Foods.
I'm fascinated by the sweetgrass baskets. They've become quite collectible and pricy. This was a great way to spend labor day weekend.
As usual you give me a history lesson along with wonderful pictures, which I truly appreciate. It takes someone who isn't from a place to see it with an eye to its real character. I've never been to Cobb County (that I know of), but now I feel as though I have.
I also love that art deco lamp. It has a definite French feeling to me. And the picture of those young men playing guitars in front of the fountain... very restful.
What a wonderful day! I'd love some of that blue and white china I see in the antique store but, like you, our house is already crammed. And I can see why you like that last picture. I would too. I love where I live but sometimes I miss the sea.
Love that picture, Vagabonde, I'm wondering whether they do prints? Thanks for this tour around Cobb County.
Bonjour! I lived in Atlanta some years ago and have been to Marietta many times. Thanks for taking us on a tour of the art fair -- I love the painting of the three apples for its style and colors!
Thanks for commenting on my blog while I was away. As a new blogger I worried that everyone would disappear!
How I envy your adventures but I thank you so much for letting us tag along!!!
Quelle jolie balade encore aujourd'hui chez toi. Et que d' artistes sur ton parcours! J'aime particulièrement le vitrail d'après Vincent van Gogh.
Je te souhaite une très belle soirée Vagabonde
What a lot there is to see near your home. I enjoyed the tour, especially the art show and thought of how you must have appreciated the painting of the decorated VW van. I think you should find yourself a painting of a sea scene if you want one - life is short!
A wonderful day close to home. That is a treat. Thanks for sharing.
Outside my backdoor, Vagabonde...if I still lived there! The Atlanta area has so many fun art fairs all year 'round. I bet the artists travel from one to the other, selling their wares. Good for you to take the pictures and oooh and aaah without buying. Well, sometimes it's worth not resisting. But it sounds like you've already been there, done that.
How fun! Sounds like the most wonderful day -- and such a charming town. I'm not sure I would have come out of those antique shops intact! And wonderful art! You live in a wonderful spot!
I live in East Cobb, but I grew up in the city of Marietta. Don't we have a lovely town?
Hi from a fellow Georgian :) I love seeing photos of places that I rarely visit in the Atlanta metro area (I live inside the perimeter and almost never make it outside!). I noticed that you posted about Lullwater also - I just did a post myself, as we live near there.
la traduction a échoué, mais j'ai pu quand même profiter de ces belles images etdes tableaux !
Bizz à bientôt Lori
Hi... what a great post with fabulous photos. I had no idea this was happening last week. I would have loved to go. Great historical info about that area too. I've only been in GA (Douglas County) for about a year (sister has been her almost 40 yrs) and loved the lesson re: the area.
Take good care, Keri
Dear Vagabonde
Thanks for visiting my Blog and wrting such an interesting comment.
What a lovely time! I do love that last picture. I live about a mile and a half from the Gulf of Mexico, but it NEVER looks like that.
Have you ever been to Helen, GA? Really lovely little town that pretends it is in Germany. It may be as close to Germany as I will ever get, but it is fairly close to you, I think. (A couple of hours by car)
Thank you for stopping by my 'blog. I love it when someone new stops by and actually posts. I do wish you could join us in DC next month, but your husbands health must come first!
The Art in the Park looks like a wonderful event. So many beautiful things for sale! It is always difficult to resist, but you can only own so much, and then it is best to just appreciate the beauty.
Love the pic (peek!) of the dance lesson!
One of my favorite pictures of the one of the 60s Volkswagen. My grand-parents had one just like that, minus the art on it.
I really enjoy art shows like this. If I had a lot of money, I would love to pick things out there at yours.
My husband grew broom corn this year, and we were going to make a lot of brooms. The chickens scratched up some of the seeds, he planted about 100. But only around 20 grew. We found out that it takes 14 broom corn plants to make one broom! So, we will try again next year. :)
What an interesting post combined with very nice images. Loved the history facts, lokks like a very interesting place with many photographic opportunities. Thanks for visiting my blog, in answer to your question, Simba is a bit of a poser. He enjoys having is photo taken, he thinks he is a male model Ha HA. If your camera has a multiple shot setting use this to photograph your cat fire off 3-5 quick exposures you are sure to get at least one with the eyes open. Let me know what camera you use. It is also sometimes called burst mode so check out your menu. Hope this is useful Kev
Coucou Vagabonde !
Tout d'abord, merci pour ta dernière catr postale, Je vais essayer de cuisqiner ces petits gateaux au crabe.
Il y a des jours, comme cela, où on fait bien de sortir et d'emporter son APN.
C'est un magnifique reportage que tu nous propose là.
Je connais mieux Marietta maintenant.
Bises !
i see blood everywhere Vagabonde. Perhaps my house also is standing on somebody's blood. Our earth is soaked with the blood of the innocent.
Thank you for making me aware Vagabonde.
i wonder what it really means to be 'evolved'
Beautiful sojourn and art! I love the grass baskets! and your final painting! Happy "Super Harvest Moon" tonight! From NASA: “360-degree, summer-autumn twilight glow that is only seen on rare occasions.”
At the exact moment of the autumn equinox, which occurs at 11:09 p.m.(EST?), the Harvest Moon will be paired with Jupiter, which will be the second brightest object in the sky tonight.
many hugs!!! c
We got to the Square late in the day last Saturday (to buy some Halloween stuff for the granddaughter at Eddies Trick Shop!!)and most of the people were packing up their booths so I enjoyed seeing all the pictures of all the good stuff we missed...I need to remember next year when the sale comes around again...Next big Cobb event for me is the Friends of the Library book sale...I actually changed vacation plans to be home in time for the sale...
Thank you for another wonderful tour of a place I will only see through the lens of your camera.
We have that type of fair here twice a year and I never used to miss one. I always found something that tempted me, but now I need to start giving things away because, like you, my house is full of stuff.
The trail of tears is a very shameful episode in the history of our country. People need to be reminded of the atrocities that our government committed.
So many interesting places to explore in your neck of the woods! The art fair is fabulous and I especially liked the stained glass panel and the baskets. And your photos are wonderful, as usual! That last painting is gorgeous and I would love to own it!! Merci beaucoup for the lovely tour, cher, and for stopping by my blog! Cheers!
Ruth – I did not know that there was a special corn to make brooms. I hope you get enough next year so you can make a post about it. Thanks for visiting.
Picturit – Thanks for the photo tips, I’ll check my camera. I’m glad you came to my blog.
Rauf – I understand what you mean Rauf. My house is standing on what was once Cherokee land. When they were building the house, the previous owners told me that a Confederate soldier belt buckle was found.
Kenza, Lorilaire, Claude – Merci beaucoup pour votre visite. Je suis toujours contente de lire vos commentaires. Je suis en retard à cause de tous nos petits voyages, mais je viendrai faire un tour dans vos blogs bientôt.
Left Leaning Lady – welcome to my blog. Yes I have been to Helen numerous times, it is a lovely little town. We have not been there for a while though, so we’ll try to go soon. Thanks for commenting.
Margaret, My Carolina Kitchen, DJan, Vicki Lane, Fennie, Genie, Kay Dennison, Pondside, alwaysinthebackrow, Ginnie, Jeanie, Karen Owen, Traci, Keri, Lela Batita, Elaine, Zhu, Bowsprite, Sue, Darlene and Marguerite - I am so pleased to read your comments. Thanks for taking the time to read my post and writing about it, I appreciate it. If this is your first visit, welcome to my blog and I’ll return the visit to yours.
Looks like they had some really great arts and crafts there. I love the baskets and jewelry.
I am going through and leisurely rereading all your older posts so pardon some of the past-their-prime comments! I remember going to several productions at the theater on the square but it looks like the whole front of it has been changed or modernized? Also, I loved the picture in one of the antique store collages that had a little replica of the Big Chicken!
Lastly, I am going to forward this post to a good friend of mine who is part Cherokee. I know she will find it very interesting.
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