Friday, September 21, 2012

A Cancelled Postcard Show

Yesterday I wrote a long post – long with many pictures but not long on text - see it below.  Blogger had changed and I had a hard time with line spacing.  I finally published the post but it never updated in Google Reader.  I don’t know why since I wrote the post and clicked on “Publish” just like I usually do.  This is a small post to see if it will update in Google Reader.  We drove to the advertized yearly postcard show this morning but when we arrived at the location we were told that it had been cancelled because there were not enough vendors.  I had looked forward to this show as I collect vintage postcards.  I spent many hours last year at the show looking at postcards.  Here is last year’s show below.
There were not many customers buying cards.  I like to go to postcard shows as there is such a variety of cards.  They can be bought by locals and countries as seen below. (Click on picture to enlarge.)
There are boxes of “topical” cards as, for example, “Flowers” or “Greetings” or “Ships” etc.  Here is an old greeting card I purchased last year – it is dated 1910 and was marked $1.
Usually a buyer will sit in front of their chosen boxes and go though them.  I like old English cards like the one below.

Bird cards are also very pretty.  Below is the Pine Warbler (which we see often coming to our bird feeder.)

Collectors who purchase a quantity of cards can usually get a discount.  If vintage cards are purchased at antique sales or flea markets they are often overpriced, but not at postcards shows.  
 So we were disappointed.  On the way back home we stopped at an “Estate Sale” and I found a small cut-glass dish for $10 but I would have much preferred to have attended the postcard show.  It is in perfect shape – the light makes a reflection but it is not a break line.  

This is a test post and if it does not upload in Google Reader, I may try one more time, but after that I’ll have to learn a new technique I guess.


  1. Bonjour Vagabonde. You and I are struggling with the (imposed) new Blogger interface it sounds like. I, too, had some issues with my current post. I would have enjoyed reading the whole story about the postcard show, and I hope you figure out a way to do this... Why change a perfectly good thing is what I want to know... Veronique (French Girl in Seattle)

  2. Blogger has been acting odd for me as well but it seems at the moment to be behaving. I'm a fan of vintage postcards too -- I don't exactly collect them but have inherited quite a few -- mainly Europe in the Thirties.

  3. I decided to change to the new blogger in April when it was first warned that we would have to eventually. I'm glad I'm through that initial phase with all its hassle. But you seem to have coped OK since the post is fine.
    I've never been to a postcard fair but there is supposed to be one on my birthday so I'm planning on visiting that next month. (Thougth I worry about how much I'll be tempted to spend).
    Thanks for visiting my blog and hope to see you again.

  4. Neat choice of postcards. Sorry for the show and for the blogger issue!
    Hope everything will get back to normal for you.

  5. What a shame the show was cancelled. I love vintage postcards, especially the Victorian ones.

    I had the same publish problem with blogger not too long ago. I went back in and hit publish another time and it appeared in the reader. Now every time I do a new post, I check the reader. Blogger can certainly be moody from time to time.

  6. Vagabonde, do you take part in Postcrossing? I've just been at it a short while but I'm enjoying it and I've received some beautiful postcards from around the world.

  7. It worked just fine this time, VB. And everything looks perfect as well! It is so depressing when Blogger doesn't work the way we expect. Thinking of you...

  8. Good morning to you Vagabonde.

    I enjoyed seeing your post about the outdoor art fair. There certainly seems to have been a great variety of work on display. I know what you mean about seeing items that do appeal to you, and that you admire, but then having reality tell you that you just might not actually have to purchase that treasure.

    And on the other hand, finding that pretty cut glass dish sent a "buy" signal!

    It's too bad that the postcard fair was cancelled. Perhaps you have information from some of the dealers that will allow you to find out when they might again gather together? I know that your collection is very fine, and always enjoy seeing the examples that you show us.

    I wish you well on all fronts, including the Blogger tangles. It's so strange to encounter an unexpected web hurdle. Sometimes I have the patience to try to figure out what is in play, and other times...I just log off and give it a rest!


  9. I hate the new blogger interface. I wish they'd quit changing things, or allow you the option to keep the old.

  10. Hi Vagabonde,
    sorry that you didn't get to see your vintage card exhibit. It sounds very interesting.
    The cards you bought last year are really lovely.
    Like your cut glass dish.
    happy weekend

  11. I despise the NEW Blogger Interface. NOTHING works right. It seems very unstable to me and it is just one more nail-in-the-coffin, for me, where blogging is concerned.

    Sorry the Postcard show didn't happen. It is sad to think that there weren't enough buyer/sellers...! You have such a wonderful collection of Postcards, my dear...

    Forgive me for not answering your email....I'm just overwhelmed right now. Thinking of you from afar though...I truly am.

  12. Is it a sign of ageing to wish people left things alone? If they did I suppose we'd still be living in caves. I rather like the cartoon (which must once have graced a postcard) of a caveman in the ice age bringing home a frozen mammoth (perhaps he had some help). But his wife is beeing shrewish for she is complaining, 'frozen food, frozen food. You always bring frozen food!'

    Of course, she doesn't speak English (or French) so she might have been saying 'O wonderful! Mammoth! I'll invite the neighbours and make a Hollandaise sauce!' Meanwhile the kids are taking bits of charcoal from the fire and sketching the dead creature while the mother shouts: 'If I've told you once, I've told you a thousand times. Don't draw on the cave walls!' I do hope the sauce wasn't curdled!

  13. This showed up just fine in my Google Reader, Vagabonde, but not the previous post. Thanks for alerting me to it.

    I used to attend stamp shows...especially for American sheets as well as first-day covers. So I know exactly what you mean!!!

  14. I'm glad you were able to post this. Funny how Blogger does these weird things every so often.

    My daughter was a great postcard collector so we used to always stop at antique shops to find some for her when we were on trips. I wonder what she did with her collection.

  15. Your postcards are so beautiful. They are all so original, artistic and interesting.

  16. Too bad they cancelled the show! I always enjoy seeing your fabulous postcards.

  17. Test post or not, it's equally enjoyable. Just unfortunate that the postcard show is cancelled. Hope this is not a sign of the times that maybe fewer and fewer people are interested in this. I'd love to go to a postcard show... I've never been to one. Only in flea markets, and the used book stalls along the Seine did I find a small selections of them. I'm curious to know, are they 'used' ones, with words and cancelled stamp? That would be what I'm most interested in. Not to pry into others' lives, but the vintage writing in ink and the cancelled stamp, priceless.

  18. Dear Vagabonde, I never knew there were vintage postcard shows. I'm glad that you do attend them as I've so enjoyed seeing the many vintage cards you've shared with us on this blog. Thank you for taking time to select the ones you display. Peace.

  19. Our big postcard show is next weekend. I always look forward to it, although frankly, when I was home sick the other day, I tried organizing them and realized I probably didn't need anymore! The exciting thing? I found one addressed to my grandmother! I have no idea why I bought it -- I know I would have remembered if that was the reason. It wasn't even especially pretty or a place I'd been! I once found one she had written to my babysitter, so I feel very connected with her!

  20. I think I could spend a couple of hours at such a show!

  21. I'm another who hates the new Blogger interface, Vagabonde. It seems to me inherently slow and clunky and makes formatting text and pictures properly so much harder. Sigh....

    I too love vintage postcards and have a few, though I don't collect them. I'm sorry your show was cancelled.


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