Wednesday, March 26, 2014

Bulloch Hall 32nd Quilt Show - attic

This is the third and last post on the Bulloch Hall Quilt Show.  Please look at my two other posts if you have not seen the quilts yet.  After coming up the stairs to the attic and taking just a glance we could see that many exquisite quilts were hanging on the wall and other places and we would have to slowly look at each one.  (Please click on collage twice to enlarge.)

Below, top left is "Moon and Stars" by Dianne Cannestra, next to "Patriotic Star Sampler" by Linda Wirtz.  Lower left is "Macchiato Scraps" by Karen Gornall, next to "Underground Railroad" by Kayla McDavid who says "I did this for my senior project in high school."

Some quilts were hanging in the middle of the arttic.  The bluish quilt on the right below, no. 184 is called "Winter Reflections" by Patrick Cavigliano who says "I grew up in western New York State.  Lots of snow and good memories.  Fabric reminded me of my childhood."  It does look like all the winter scenes are seen through shelves or windows, with the three dimension illusion.

Quilt no. 166 "Familiar Expressions" by Pam Martin, did have some funny scenes like "Dog Days of summer" and "3 Dog Night."

Some of the quilts were not easy to photograph as they were hanging on a slight angle and there was not much room to photograph them.

In the collage below you can see part of the quilt I placed at the top of this post - it is no. 167 "Circle Illusion" by Betty Duff of Milford, Michigan, who says "I was intrigued with the sewing together of curves to achieve circles."  My husband found the orange-yellow quilt no. 183, below on the right, very attractive.  It might be because the quilter, Nancy Hutchison says "Scrappy ties include recycled fabrics from my husband's shirts."

The quilt on the bed looked comfortable, but the bed ... not really.  I liked the quilt hanging behind the bed, mostly in aqua and blue tones, no. 161 "Mixing Traditional with Contemporary" by Julie Bizzoso.

Another quilt near the bed was very intricate - no. 160 "Mountain Cabin" by Pam Martin.

I took time to look at the sunny view from the little window and also at the wood under the roof.  It does not look like there is any layer of insulation.  It could be what they call "double" roofing, with the insulation being above, maybe.

More beautiful quilts below.  Quilt no. 173, top right-hand side, by Karen Gornall is called "My Faux Pottery Barn."  She says "I saw this quilt in Pottery Barn's catalog - so I just made it."  Below, on the bottom right-hand side is quilt no. 177 "Count your Blessings" by Holly Anderson.  She says "This was a mystery quilt for the members of Sea Island Quilt Guild in Beaufort, South Carolina.  There are 52 pieces in each blog, not to mention the pieced sashing."

I took some close-up shots too.

Most of the quilts were tall and large but there were some lovely smaller ones as well, such as those below.  Quilt no. 187, top left, by Barbara Rotondi is called "Heartland Crossing" - she says "This quilt gets its name from the passage by wagon across the Heartland of America and the log cabins that were built after they staked out their land and settled."

You had to look closely at quilt no. 178 "Thanks for Alaska" by Diane Berdis, as there was much going on there.  She says "We saw this quilt in a quilt shop in Skagway, Alaska on a recent trip.  This is a kit purchased at that shop called "Quilt Alaska."  My husband fell in love with it."  I think anyone would love it too.

Then we walked downstairs and passed another quilt hanging on a door, and another one I had missed earlier.  Quilt no. 73 by Barbara Rotondi is called "At Mama's Knees."  She says "Title of quilt refers to a young girl's education during the 1800's when a girl would start sewing by hand by age 5, and start making quilts, samplers and clothing to be a good wife."  Quilt no. 55 "Lines at the Seashore" is by Liz Bauer.  It certainly reminds you of the colors close to the sea.

Then I remembered that I had to choose one of the quilts and write its number on my slip of paper.  As I went down the stairs I had seen a really stunning quilt in purple hues - purple being one of my favorite colors.  So I went back to get a closer look.  It is quilt no. 7A named "Together" by Zoe Palmer of Hilton Head Island, South Carolina.  She says "Found these fabric strips in my stash of "To-do one day" - perfect for a wedding quilt to celebrate the love of my sister and her wife."  The more I looked at it, the more I liked it - it looked so lovely and peaceful.  So I voted for 7A.

Then we went out and saw two inviting rocking chairs - just waiting for us ... good to rest our feet for a while.

After our little rest we walked toward the Slave Cabin.  At the Gift Shop there was a brochure with the title "The topic of Slavery is a difficult one, ..." see below.  Inside they give information on the slaves from Bulloch Hall.  Daddy William was a coachman and butler.  Maum Charlotte was the housekeeper and ran the Bulloch household.  Daddy William and Maum Charlotte continued to live in Roswell after the end of the Civil War.  Daddy Luke Mounar was a literate slave and read to the mill work's children.  After the family left Bulloch Hall, Daddy Luke cared for the property and gave account about it in letters to Mrs. Bulloch.  In 1873 he inherited money from the family.  The Bulloch family supported him financially until his death at the age of 105.  Mittie Bulloch Roosevel, President Roosevelt's mother, would recall her childhood in Roswell for Teddy.  She and her siblings had often gone to the slave cabins to listen to stories such as B'rer Rabbit, B'rer Fox that the slave told them and she recounted them for her young son, Theodore.  Here she is below with Theodore Roosevelt, Jr., as a young boy.

My husband and I visited Theodore Roosevelt, Jr.'s birthplace home in New York City last November when we were in New York.  It is maintained by the National Park Service (I'll have a post on this in the future.)  Our guide told us "Mittie was considered a true southern belle who possessed great beauty, charm, and spirit.  It is believed that the character of Scarlett O'Hara in Margaret Mitchell's novel Gone with the Wind is partly based on her."  Because of all these childhood memories from his mother, President Roosevelt wished to visit his mother's girlhood home.  He was finally able to do so in October 1905.  Mammy Grace and Daddy William were there to greet him as you can see them in the picture below.

In early 20th century the slave buildings were destroyed by fire.  The dog-trot Slave Cabin has been reconstructed with living quarters and exhibits.  It is dedicated to their legacy.

My husband went then to sit on a bench and looked at some large bird flying above.  Could it be a falcon?

A large tree must have fallen down many years ago and was looking like a nice bench - that is where I went to sit.

As we were leaving Bulloch Hall a sweet Bluebird was chirping on the fence.

It was 2:30 pm then and we were ready for a late lunch.  I recalled that the French bakery Douceur de France had opened a second shop in Roswell.  We found it and they were still serving lunch.  I had my favorite - the Basque tartine, and my husband had a tuna salad sandwich.  We then shared a luscious looking chocolate pastry.

That cake was delicious and the perfect, sweet topping to a wonderful and warm day - by then it was 75 degree F (24 C.)


  1. #7 INDEED! Dizzying diversity - wonderful FULL post

    ALOHA from Honolulu

    =^..^= <3

  2. These quilts are simply amazing, VB. I too love 7A, but it would be very hard to choose a favorite amongst such a variety. Your lunch certainly looked delicious! What a great post, I really enjoyed tagging along. :-)

  3. Such craftsmanship, and ingenuity, and beauty.
    I noticed quite a few with curved seams and my sense of awe increased. They are sooooo difficult to get right.
    Thank you so much for this series.

  4. magnifique, merci pour ces billets... voir toute cette créativité ,féminine , je pense...?
    très divers et coloré.. beau!

  5. Hi Vagabonde!
    I can't make quilts, think it's very very difficult work.I liked this one brown and another one that looks like waves on water.
    The building and surroundings are peaceful. Thank you for sharing!

  6. I love all the quilts! Don't think I could ever be able to choose one from so many beauties. I am always impressed by the thoroughness of your posts, Vagabonde. You had so much to take in and yet the posts really give us a feeling of the variety and depth of your visit.

  7. Quel beau séjour vous avez fait ! Et instructif !
    Le grenier est magnifique mais je ne sais pas comment la charpente peut tenir.
    Les quilts sont tous différents, j'ai vu que certains avaient été surpiqué comme ce que l'on nomme ici des boutis, c'est superbe ! Celui qui est pendu près de l'escalier et que tu aimes beaucoup a un petit coté pointilliste, les morceaux assemblés sont si petits !

    Quant au parc, il est très agréable en cette période de printemps. Je crois que j'aurais aussi été tentée par ce tronc abattu et même par les racines noueuses même si elles sont plus basses.

  8. I enjoyed YOUR day! Such beautiful ways to spend the time.

  9. Vagabonde, I'm pretty much a traditionalist when it comes to quilt, but I really like "Macchiato Scraps"! Lots of variety, that's for sure. We're going to try to visit the National Quilt Museum in Paducah KY in the next few weeks... Take Care, Big Daddy Dave

  10. What an amazing quilt show. I have enjoyed your three posts about it very much. And how nice to end it with lunch in a French Restaurant with a chocolate dessert!

  11. These quilts - as the ones from the two other posts - are simply amazing. I like the Alaskan one with all the animals in it - beautiful!
    Interesting slave cabin - and the Scarlett O'Hara character partly based on Teddy's mother? I'm not sure that is a compliment for her (Mittie)... I never liked Scarlett.

  12. These are all amazing, as were the first two posts, as well. The talent that ALL these people have is truly Remarkable!!!

    My favorite was 7a, too! It is so ARTFUL and Utterly EXQUISITE!!!

    Thanks again, dear V., for another trip to an incredible show, filled with Ooooo's and Aaaaah's!

  13. Simply beautiful inside and out. The quits are exquisite, and the view through the window is cinematic. The food looks delicious and I love all the serene country setting outside, with the birds and flowers. Definitely a must-see for any visitor to the area. Thanks for sharing with us your experience, VB.

  14. I so wish that I could see this exhibit in person. I also wish my tiny house had the walls to be able to hang any of these quilts or those in my collection! They are incredibly beautiful.

    And I also appreciated the history you shared -- I have always been intrigued by T. Roosevelt and his background but really didn't know that much about it. Learning of his mother's story and seeing the wonderful photos was most interesting.

    And lunch didn't sound half bad, either!

  15. So many beautiful quilts! I love looking at them from a distance and then looking at them up close. I love the way quilters play with colours and patterns.

  16. Gorgeous quilt share ~ I would have snatched up "Three Dog Night " :)

  17. The quilts are really amazing. And, so are you. You always give us so much history and interesting stories. Thanks for another wonderful blog post.

  18. So many gorgeous quilts! I love that purple one, too!

  19. Another amazing post! Loved all those quilts! Really enjoyed everything! I think that was a beautiful sign, with that bird flying above your hubby! Yummy food! Big Hugs ;o)

  20. It is funny how you can come back again and again to certain works of art or craft and they just seem to keep giving. I liked your choice of quilt too.

  21. Coucou

    Quel travail magnifique !
    Un bel endroit à visiter et je vois que cela fini toujours par des douceurs culinaires.

  22. It takes very strong eyes to quilt. It is probably done by women but I wonder if there is some history about men quilting?

  23. Wow! What a plethora of beautiful and interesting photographs. I also appreciated your commentary. You've been many places and your photography is excellent. Congratulations on five years of blogging. Time flies when you're having fun, I've been told. But I've found it flies anyway, so one might as well have fun, right?

  24. What an amazing place. I love all those quilts. It would be hard to choose which one I like the best.

  25. I just found your blog and the wonderful stories about your visit to the quilt show at Bulloch Hall. Your photography is great - that image of the house itself is one of the best I have seen. I do hope you will come and visit us again. The next show is March 4 - 13, 2016. Check out the details at


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