Saturday, March 12, 2022

The sunflower, a symbol of hope and solidarity

Downton Abbey part two was supposed to be my next post, but time went by, bad weather and mostly with the current events I just could not write it - it is delayed. These are sad times. Trying to be a bit optimistic I decided to write on the sunflower after reading how this flower has become a worldwide symbol of solidarity for Ukraine and its citizens since the Russian invasion. The sunflower is also a symbol of loyalty, hope, happiness, strength, good fortune and peace.
The Latin name of the sunflower is Helianthus Annuus which is a combination of the Greek word helios meaning sun and anthos meaning flower. Evidence suggests that around 3000 BC the plant was cultivated by American Indians in what are present day New Mexico and Arizona. They used it in ceremonies and many other ways. Explorers brought the sunflower to Europe in the 16th century. Commercialization of the plant began in Russia. Ukraine started growing the crops in the 1700s and is now the world's major supplier of sunflower oil. Below are vintage postcards of sunflowers.
When writing my Tour de France posts I like to include photos of the racers biking along sunflower fields.
This striking and beautiful plant is admired by many. Famous painters have used it as an inspiration in their art. The Dutch artist Vincent Van Gogh (1853-1890) painted a series of sunflowers starting in 1887 then again in Arles in the south of France.
Van Gogh's friend, the French artist Paul Gauguin (1848-1903,) visited Vincent in Arles and painted sunflowers as well, as shown below.
Two other famous French artists, Matisse and Monet painted the lovely "tournesol" as it is known in French. It comes from the Latin tornare and sol, or turning toward the sun.
Current famous people have been seen with the sunflower. First US Lady, Dr. Jill Biden, wore a face mask embroidered with Ukraine's national flower to show support for the brave people of Ukraine. Prince Charles of Wales and Camilla, Duchess of Cornwall, placed sunflowers on March 2, 2022, at the altar of the Ukrainian Catholic Cathedral and praised the Ukrainian bravery amid the Russian aggression. (Courtesy and New York Post.)
If only these strong flowers could help save Ukraine. It does not look good right now. Russia is intensifying their airstrikes on civilian buildings, hospitals, schools, mosques and churches. So far hundreds of civilians including children have been killed as well as 1300 Ukrainian soldiers. Ukrainian refugees have fled to neighboring countries - more than 1.5 million to Poland so far, many to Hungary, Romania and other places. If the Russian public could witness this terrible tragedy they would be horrified, but it is as if the iron curtain has fallen again with its propaganda. The Russian public is totally in the dark and fed constant disinformation, blaming the victim.
The free press and independent media have been shut down; if someone tells the truth they risk years in jail. It is becoming like North Korea with unreal news and total isolation. Now the rest of the world is worried of the risk caused by Russian forces occupying Chernobyl and Zaporizhzhia, two of Ukraine's nuclear plants. A third plant, Yuzhnoukrainsk, is also at risk with Russian troops only 20 miles away. The planet could be in peril. The stems and leaves of the sunflower plant absorb radiation but it would take zillion of them if incidents happen in these nuclear plants. It is difficult to stay optimistic and keep looking to the sun.
Several years ago my late husband and I visited the Biltmore Estate in Asheville, North Carolina, the 250-room chateau that George Vanderbilt completed in 1898. We spent a week-end there and had time to walk through the gardens and grounds. It was in August and the sunflower fields were in full blooms. I was able to get close to the flowers.
The sunflowers have shown to absorb toxic elements and radiation, they clean up the environment. In 1996 at the Nuclear Age Peace Foundation former US Secretary of Defense William Perry said: "Sunflowers instead of missiles in the soil will ensure peace for future generations." Alas, I don't think his words were heard by all the nations. Slava Ukraini!


  1. Thank you, Vagabonde. I didn't know about sunflower is a symbol.
    I agree these times are sad. I stopped my blog since that day.

  2. Nice job finding so many great sunflower photos. I had no idea the plant could absorb radiation.

  3. Hi Vagabonde, Thanks for the history and related information about sunflowers. Here in East Tennessee we always spot a couple of fields of sunflowers in bloom every year. The situation in Ukraine is sad and quite scary. Putin will not stop until he takes all of Ukraine, Moldova, Georgia, Armenia and Azerbaijan...and then perhaps the 'stans', those countries in Central Asia that were part of the USSR. Thanks for the upbeat sunflower story... Take Care, Big Daddy Dave

  4. Such a beautiful post. There is so little we can do but honour their spirits.

  5. I have been buying sunflowers and keeping them close, a constant reminder (as if I need one, with 24 hour news on a good chunk of those 24 hours.) A beautiful post, as always filled with wonderful tidbits and beautiful images.

  6. What a nice tribute to the sunflower, the symbol of hope and solidarity!
    We all pray and hope this terrible situation will soon come to an end!
    Thousands of Ukrainian refugees have already arrived also in Greece!

  7. A lovely post.
    Thank you for sharing the history and information about sunflowers.

    All the best Jan

  8. Your post is wonderful, and looking at all the sunflowers has caused tears to spring into my eyes and fall onto my cheeks. I am trying very hard to be positive and optimistic, but I also fear the worst is still to come. But thank you for the parade of fabulous sunflowers, dear friend.

  9. Sunflowers are a joy to see and favored by many. I enjoyed reading your history. I'd love to visit the Biltmore. What a wonderful trip that must've been. We do have sunflower fields here (Memphis, TN), but the Biltmore would lift the experience to a whole 'nother level :)

  10. Hi Vagabonde !
    Je ne savais pas que le Soleil était le symbole de l'Ukraine.
    C'est abominable ce que ce cinglé de Poutine fait vitre à ce pays.
    On lit tout et son contraire au sujet de cette guerre, qui j'espère égoïstement qu'elle ne s'étendra pas en Europe mais avec un fou pareil on ne sait jamais.
    J'espère que tu vas bien.

  11. I love these sunflower photos and I was enlightened with all that history of this plant. I wish there was something I could do to help the victims of this horror, but feel helpless. I cannot watch the news because it is so upsetting to me. I am a bit fragile right now, and I have to try to keep myself positive if I can.
    I enjoy your blog so much.

  12. I learned much about the sunflower I hadn't known. May peace come soon.

  13. Dear Vagabonde, due to my sporadic reading of blog postings, I'm coming a month late to this inspiring posting of yours on the sunflower and Ukraine and the fear that is inundating our world becuse of the greed and madness of a man who rules Russia with an iron fist and, I think, an iron heart.

    Thank for sharing the postcards and the paintings and your own photographs of sunflowers. Let's hope--although its hard to hope at times like this--the all shall soon be well and that those who espouse authoritarianism and its leaders will see that iron fist and recognize the havoc it has caused and is causing not only in the Ukraine but also in Russia. Peace.

  14. Slava Ukraini!
    I have always loved sunflowers... the beautiful colour, the shape, the size, the texture of the seed heads. And now I respect them for representing the bravery and courage of Ukraine.
    Putin is a deranged madman, a psychopath.

  15. Hi, I enjoyed reading your posts!
    I'm here because on occasion, I like to go back and look at Naomi Caryl's blog, Here in the Hills. I noticed that it's been hacked, and am wondering if she ever left anyone in charge of taking care of her blog? It's such a treasure trove of good times in Hollywood and the art world. Like you, she covered a lot of ground, and it was all so interesting.
    Would you know?
    Thank you!


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