Tuesday, April 11, 2023

Addendum to Nashville grieving and gun violence

This addendum was started several days ago. Then I stopped writing it thinking that most people would not be interested in reading it. Many bloggers prefer to talk about family, food, gardening, travel or other more palatable subjects than gun violence. I believe that if you are part of society, enjoying its pleasures and benefits is fine but remaining silent during its trials is almost being complicit. So I decided to finish writing it - if only one person in Tennessee changes their mind about voting for an extreme right-wing politician, then it is worth it.
Here is a continuation of my post of Thursday, April 6, 2023, Nashville grieving,explaining the shooting in Nashville at the Covenant School, a local elementary school. As I mentioned in that post I was trying to provide clear explanations to my family and readers from overseas in reply to their requests. Seen from overseas the US gun laws make no sense. They cannot understand why this country is unable to control gun violence. Please read my last post first then come back here to read the rest of the story... On Thursday March 30, 2023, three days after the shooting, a crowd entered the halls of the Tennessee Capitol where the lawmakers were gathered for a floor session. The Tennessee State Capitol was built on a hill in Nashville with the help of convicts and enslaved people and finished in 1859. See vintage postcards below. The picture on the right was the TN State Library until 1953 when it was moved.
The crowd of children, teenagers and parents came to demand action on gun safety and kept chanting "Shame on you" and "Children are dead and you don't care." Several lawmakers placed headphones on their ears so they would not hear, then microphones were turned off in the public areas to block out the chants and a 5-minute recess was called. During the recess, TN State Democratic Representatives Justin Jones of Nashville, joined Gloria Johnson of Knoxville, and Justin Pearson of Memphis, to the podium with a megaphone, to be heard and to conduct the "Gun control now!" chant with the people in the balcony where kids and adusts (even adults with babies) were chanting.
The rest of the lawmakers exited the chamber for about 1/2 hour and when they returned the Speaker of the House, Republican Cameron Sexton, said that this was "not acceptable behavior" and action would be taken in the next few days against the three Democrat representatives. On Monday April 3, 2023, the TN Republican lawmakers filed a resolution to expel those three, now nicknamed the Tennessee Three (TN 3.) They had already been removed from their committees and had their State Capitol identity badges deactivated. Speaker Sexton said they had broken "several rules of decorum and procedure on the House Floor." Below photo of floor of the TN State Legislature, courtesy ABC.
Speaker Sexton accused Rep. Justin Pearson of having given a "temper tantrum" like a spoiled kid wanting attention. Later he added: "What they did today was at least equivalent, maybe worse, depending on how you look at it, of doing an insurrection in the Capitol." Really? Worse than the insurrection on the Washington Capitol on January 6, when a horde armed with weapons stormed the Capitol looking to kill the US Speaker of the House, to hang the Vice-President, killing and injuring Capitol Police, and urinating and thrashing the building? Really? The Tennessee Three's violation of the rules of decorum was worse that this insurrection? Please... Dictionary definition of decorum "Decorums - the conventions or requirements of polite behavior." On Thursday April 6, 2023, the TN 3 were given twenty minutes each to speak and to answer questions. Then the Tennessee House voted to expel the two Justins (both 28 years old) but spared Gloria Johnson (aged 60) by one vote only. Photo below, courtesy WBIR.
By Thursday April 6th the US media as well as the international press were aware of the expulsion proceedings and were watching. I watched it also on television. The TN 3 gave amazing speeches with courage and eloquence. But to no avail. No surprise here with the Republicans having a supermajority in the TN House of Representatives. The political makeup of the 113th General Assembly is 75 Republicans, 23 Democrats and 1 vacancy. Tennessee is one of the reddest states in the union with only two blue counties: Memphis in Shelby County and Nashville in Davidson County. See map below of TN counties showing the 2022 gubernatorial election results, courtesy Wikimedia. I just read that Tennessee is the least democratic of the 50 United States.
It was noted how the Justin Jones and Justin Pearson (by then named the two Justins) were questioned in a demeaning and condescending way compared to Ms. Gloria Johnson. It sounded like "you should know your place and not have an uppitity behavior." When the expulsion was announced the crowd was screaming "shame!" Some wondered if it had not been "payback" for Justin Jones of Nashville who was leading a movement in 2019 to remove a bust of Confederate cavalry General Nathan Bedford Forrest, first Ku Klux Klan Grand Wizard and trader of enslaved people. Finally in 2021 the bust was removed from its prominent place in the State Capitol. (Photo courtesy Tennessee Lookout.)
In the state of Tennessee expulsion or banishment from the Chamber has been used just several times since the Civil War. In 1866, six lawmakers were ousted for trying to prevent citizenship to formerly enslaved people as required by the 14th Amendment; in 1980 a member was convicted of taking a bribe to kill a bill; in 2016 a member was voted out after 22 women accused him of sexual misconduct and in 2022 a member was expelled after being convicted of using Federal Grant money on wedding expenses. These took a long time to investigate and were punishment for serious misconduct, not just for "violating rules of decorum." Speaking out of turn should be punished by censure, maybe, or a reprimand, but not expulsion of duly elected lawmakers who were voicing the requests of their constituents for reasonable legislation to reduce the killing of innocent children in schools. I read reports that the US public following the proceedings on television was outraged.
On Friday April 8, 2023, Vice-President Kamala Harris made an unscheduled and surprise trip to Nashville to meet with the Tennessee Three. She came to Fisk University, a historically Black college in Nashville, TN (3 miles from my house.) Civil Rights icon, John Lewis (1940-2020) was a graduate student with a degree in religion and philosophy from Fisk University. (You may remember that in September 2013, after meeting John Lewis in Decatur, GA., at a book signing I wrote a post "John Lewis and Richard Blanco at the Decatur Book Festival.") John Lewis was a Democratic US Representative for Atlanta, GA, for many years. He had organized the "March on Washington" with Martin Luther King, Jr. in August 1963. Martin Luther King, Jr. was assassinated in Memphis, TN, on April 4, 1968.
After Lewis died in 2020 officials of the Minority Caucus of Metropolitan Nashville started proceedings to permanently changed Fifth Avenue in Nashville to "Rep. John Lewis Way." This gained public support and in July 2021 it was made official. However, in January 2023, a TN Republican representative sponsored a bill to rename this street into "President Donald Trump Boulevard" after this representative had also suggested lynching and hanging by tree as an alternative for execution of inmates on death row.
Vice-President Kamala Harris met with the three expelled democrats and delivered an impassioned speech (I watched it on television; even my cat seemed interested.) Later than evening President Jo Biden held a conferance call with the TN 3 and thanked them for "their leadership in seeking to ban assault weapons and standing up for our democratic values." He invited them to the White House at a later date. (Photo credit @POTUS.)
Those junior Tennessee lawmakers were only known in the three city districts they represented and would have stayed unknown to the rest of the state (and the country.) But now they have been introduced on the national stage. Their expulsion backfired and made them known nationally, and internationally. Parts of Rep. Justin Pearson's speech before his expulsion are shown on YouTube (I show one below.) One extract shown on Twitter has been viewed, so far, by 9.5 milllion people. Both Justins have been interviewed on national television. On Monday, April 10, 2023, the Nashville Metro Council unanimously voted to reinstate Rep. Justin Jones as a representative (Memphis advised they would do so for Rep. Pearson on Wednesday April 12.) I watched on local news as Jones walked back into the House of Representative that evening. Will there be changes in Tennessee gun laws? Maybe, but the state is overwhelmingly Republican apart from a couple of large cities. Tennessee used to be politically moderate compared to other Southern states. In 2000 this started to change with the advent of extreme right propaganda TV networks and radio statons. The poor rural counties in Tennessee listen mostly to Fox News, launched in 1990. It was started by right-wing Republicans to intentionally air misrepresentation in order to exploit those who have been identified as easily manipulated. They pander to their implicit bias as well as sociopolitical and economic fears. In those counties health and education are below average. Many people working one or two jobs at minimum wage believe all the conspiracies and disinformation thrown at them and vote Republican. Photos below of Jones returning to the House Chamber, and meeting Joan Baez at the Nashville airport when coincidentally booked on same flight.
As I wrote in my first paragraph last Saturday April 8th, I had decided to stop writing this post and to return to Atlanta the next day. Over the weekend I thought better of it, so I stayed. Before I could finish writing it yesterday, Monday 10 April, there was another mass shooting. This time in Louisville, Kentucky, a city about 2 1/2 hour drive north from my home in Nashville (Atlanta is about 5 hour drive south.) A 25-year old portfolio banker killed 5 of his colleagues and wounded 8 others at Old National Bank, a regional bank in downtown Louisville. He used an AR-15 style semi-automatic rifle, an assault weapon that was just used in the Nashville shooting. As Vice-President Harris said in her speech at Fisk Universithy last Friday, "Assault weapons ...are weapons of war,"..."These are weapons that are designed to kill a lot of people quickly. They have no place on the streets of a civil society." Kentucky is a southern state like Tennessee with a Republican majority unwilling to place any restriction on these weapons. The Louisville mass shooting is the 146th since the beginning of 2023 and the 15th since April 1st. This violence is uniquely found in the United States. You can be shot anywhere here, at school, a grocery store, a dance hall, in a farm, movie theater, beauty parlor, etc. and now a bank. (Photo of another flower memorial, courtesy KLKY.)
All this is quite sad and generates a pessimistic attitude. There is hope though, as Generation Z (10 to 24 years old) does not get their news just from national or local outlets but via digital sources. They can find the facts and verify them on the Internet and avoid biased networks. Most of them say they never or rarely trust outlets such as Fox News and conservative Sinclair Broacasting Group that owns a majority of local news stations and build "local reports" that are untrue and air them to folks that don't realize they're being subjected to Sinclair's right-wing agenda. Generation Z is more motivated and not afraid to demonstrate, as seen in Nashville in the last few days. I'll end this with a quotation from a French revolutionary stateman, Maximilien Robespierre (1758-1794) followed by a peaceful photo of spring in Jimmy Carter Presidential Library gardens in Atlanta, GA.


  1. Thank you.
    I watch in horror, in shame, in fear. And in gratitude that my country is not as wedded to violence (particularly gun violence) as the United States.

  2. Thank you so much for posting this addendum. It is true that there is nowhere in the entire country where you can be safe from gun violence. And I am so sorry that yet another AR-15 was used in a mass killing again this week. There will be no end to it until we can get weapons of war and mass killings off the streets. I too am heartened that the younger generation is growing up, and that they don't listen to their elders. Fox News is not news at all but propaganda. I don't watch ABC News here because the station is owned by Sinclair. Fortunately I have other options, but in some places it is all they receive. And I look forward to the good that will be coming out of the TN3 for years to come, now that they have a voice!

  3. Yes, you have done an excellent job in your two blog posts of explaining our national shame to your readers outside of the US. It is painful to contemplate how corrupted our national thinking has become, and how a fanatic minority have captured the judiciary, many legislatures, and the House of Representatives. As I have lived here all my life, it’s not new but nevertheless, it’s horrible every time!

    best..mae at maefood.blogspot.com

  4. Vagabonde, Very well written... I concur that expulsion of the representatives was completely over the top considering the 'rules violation'. Expulsion should only be used for criminal or serious moral issues. Getting unbiased news is a challenge. Fox and conservatively owned stations peddle their version of 'reality' and many of the liberal networks have no patience for the conservative viewpoints...or sometimes even moderate ones in the USA. We get most of our news from NEWSY...a channel that is trying hard to just report the news, or on talk shows to offer forums for both sides to discuss issues. As for the young...many if not most of them don't really pay attention to current events. My very well educated and smart grandsons are either not interested in the news or they are over the top liberal...wide open borders, help everyone, all people are good at heart, etc. Reality hasn't set in yet for the oldest yet...but his 'real life' will start later this year. What is 'digital news' via digital sources? Unfortunately, much of it is either far left or far right opinion based on headlines or political beliefs. To state that it is the 'truth' is not truly accurate. Expecting the average young voter to research the issues and come up with the truth...is a bit much in this crazed world.

    The frequent mass killings and gun related deaths in the USA have to stop! Our allies have to be stunned and our enemies must love watching our dysfunctional nation kill each other, overdose with drugs, divide ourselves ever more and lose credibility around the world. Our domestic behavior may well lead to a more authoritarian state if we don't get our act together.

    Tennessee is over the top as the conservative state, no doubt about it. It has many warts but it has no debt, job opportunities are burgeoning and the total tax burden on the average citizen is relatively low. Firearms are a huge problem...and as a moderate, I'm all in favor of several enhanced controls and laws beyond what Governor Lee is pushing. As for the state legislature, the "Justins" are back...and Pandora has been let out of the bottle. The conservative legislators have made them national symbols who won't go quietly into the night.

    Just my opinion...or in this case multiple opinions. Take Care, Big Daddy Dave

  5. Thank you for a very detailed coverage of an unbelievable series of events. I hope you haven't put yourself at risk.

  6. I awakened to the news this morning, Vagabonde, that now Justin Pearson has also been reinstated, so justice is prevailing...even in Tennessee! Why history keeps repeating itself...or, better said, never learns its lessons...is beyond me. We NEED to keep these stories alive, lest we become complicit in our silence, so THANK YOU for these posts. They ARE important! I keep thinking we're at a tipping point but...how long, O Lord, how long?????

  7. Thank you for sharing information about this incident. It is very difficult to understand what is going on in America.

  8. This is an excellent recounting and thanks for that. I watched as much as I could live and followed it in the evenings. These two men have a future in the political arena if they choose to continue. This one is a serious big deal.

  9. Thank you for this post.
    It is so sad these shootings are happening far too much.

    My thoughts and prayers are with those affected.

    All the best Jan

  10. Je suis très impressionné par ce billet relatant de si tragiques événements. Je partage votre analyse concernant la violence constitutive de la pensée et du mode de vie américains. Tout cela redoublé d’une terrible paranoïa. Les films témoignent de cela. Ce fantasme d’etre envahi infiltré part des communistes des extra terrestres des terroristes musulmans, le diable que sais-je encore comme si pouvait arriver aux américains ce que les premiers colons ont fait aux indiens. Etrange refoulé collectif. Le lot sans doute d’une civilisation fondée sur la barbarie d’un génocide. Mais le tropisme suicidaire qui caractérise ce pays toujours prompt à invoquer dieu, où l’on refuse l’avortement pour protéger la vie mais ou le meurtre d’enfants devient monnaie courante me laisse sans voix. Je ne parle pas de l’empoisonnement collectif aux opioïdes pour le bénéfice de quelques groupes privés… ou de la déliquescence de l’enseignement. Vu de loin on est un peu sidéré par ce que cette grande nation devient, et qui risque je le crains d’entraîner dans sa chute l’Europe qui peine à trouver son autonomie… (kwarkito)

  11. voici le lien en question

  12. I so agree: "but remaining silent during its trials is almost being complicit. "

  13. Yes. I hear myself saying repeatedly, “what is wrong with people?” But you are correct, they watch junk like Fox news and get a frightening, twisted view of the country.

  14. I have hopes the US will come to its senses.
    Beautiful photos.

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