Sunday, March 15, 2015

Bulloch Hall 33rd Quilt Show and more ...

Since my posts are written just every few weeks I may include some other items that are not related to the title of the post, which is why I wrote "and more ..."  This month I would like to attach photos of the newest member of our extended family.  The brother and sister in law of our youngest daughter greeted a new baby girl and portraits were taken of her when she was 7 weeks old (shown below.)  The baby's parents were born in the US but the grand-parents (my daughter's father and mother-in-law) came over from the state of Kerala, in India.  The baby looks so angelic in the photos that I wanted to share them.  (Portraits courtesy of Shannon Leigh Studios in Lawrenceville, GA.)

Also this month as I was looking at old pictures, I decided to add some extra photos to an earlier post on an historic house in Georgia.  The post was written on June 10, 2009, entitled "Shoulderbone Plantation."  Click here to read it and look at all the new pictures in the post "Addendum."  Below are some of the new pictures I added.

March 9, 2015 marked the one year anniversary of the petition launched by two women in Paris trying to ban love locks from Paris bridges.  I talked about this in my last post.  The "No Love Locks" petition counts now more than 10,335 signatures and the City of Paris is paying attention, although this administration does not move quickly.  Click here to read the No Love Locks Facebook page, in French or English.  Below is the Pont des Arts as it bears more destruction. (Photo courtesy No Love Locks and Michel Gauret.)

Paris is not alone in suffering from tourists' defacing its historic monuments.  I just read that last Monday, two American tourist women were arrested in Rome after they were caught carving their initials on the Coliseum (built in 70-80 AD.)  The two California women carved an "N" and a "J" with a coin on the monument, then snapped a selfie photograph.  They totally later wondered why all the fuss was about since the Coliseum was not a "new" building ...  The Italian Police quickly arrested them.  The women will have to face a judge and pay a penalty.  But do not think only American tourists vandalize priceless historic monuments as last November a Russian tourist was arrested for the same offense.  He was given a 4-month suspended prison sentence and a 20,000 Euros fine ($21,800) which has not been paid yet for lack of funds.  Here is a vintage postcard of the Coliseum in Rome.

Bulloch Hall, in Roswell, Georgia, was built in 1840 for the Bulloch family.  The house is linked with two presidents of the United States since their daughter, Mittie Bulloch, became the wife of Theodore Roosevelt, Sr., parents of the 26th president.  The younger Bulloch son, Elliot, was the father of Eleanor, the wife of Franklin Delano Roosevelt, the 32nd President.  We have visited Bulloch Hall several times, twice before for both the quilt shows and at Christmas time.  Click here and here to read a couple of previous posts and more history.  We visited the house for the quilt show on Tuesday, March 10, 2015.  The weather was warm, in the low 70s (21 C) but overcast.  Even without the sun it is always a pleasure to take pictures of this lovely mansion.  As we approached the house, greeted by pretty daffodils, we noticed that this year there was a quilt on the front door.

The theme for the 2015 quilt show is "Celebrations!"  It features 196 antique and contemporary quilts.  They were displayed throughout the 1840 house museum.  Last year I wrote 3 posts, one for each floor and the attic, but this year I'll write one post only, so I won't be able to show all the quilts - I took over 300 photographs!  I'll place as many as possible in collages that can be enlarged by clicking on the collage.  The largest quilts are exhibited in the Front Hall and some of the smallest on doors, and pieces of furniture.

Some very small quilts were displayed on a wall and a pillow on a stool.  Little quilts were made in remembrance of a fellow quilter member "Remembering Margaret Betz" who passed away in June 2014, no. 107.  (Remember to click on collages to enlarge.)

The brillian quilt over the chimney seemed to lighten the whole dining room (No. 13 by Karen Gornall of Suwanee, GA.)

My husband liked quilt no. 30, below, "Butterfly Prayers" by Ann Quandee of Jasper, GA.  It is dedicated to her late friend, Margaret Betz.

In the Informal Parlor was quilt no. 45 "Follow the Color Way."  This was a 2014 summer challenge interpreted by members of the Quilters Transfiguration Catholic Church.  The members designed and quilted their individual blocks and the quilt was finished by Pat McShane Wilson, Marietta, GA.

More quilts on doors and small areas of walls are shown below.

Quilt no. 67 - center top below - has a fitting name "Color Riot Big Orange Back" by Sandra Teepen of Atlanta, GA.

In the Warming Room was another colorful quilt, quilt no. 33 "Split Rail Quilt" by Peggy Delmar, of Atlanta and a group of Intown Quilters.  Quilt no. 26 is named "Row Houses" by Subha Thrivikraman of Tucker, GA.

Quilts are quintessential covering for antique beds, such as the quilt on the master bed, no. 77 "Grandmother's Flower Garden" by Alberta Irwin of Atlanta.  She says "It took a long time to get all the pieces made.  English paper piecing is great for passing the time in airports, emergency rooms and doctors' offices."

Before leaving the Master Bedroom we admired quilt no. 82 "Basket Case" by Jan Antranikian of Alpharetta, GA.  Jan says "I made these open baskets and have filled them with pictures of my crazy girlfriends."

In the Library was one of my favorite quilts draped on a sofa, no. 92 "Texas Braid" by Patsy Eckman of Cumming, GA.

Below, my husband is looking at the computer listing all the quilts.  Behind him is quilt no. 3 "Civil War Melody" by Susan Riser of Atlanta, Ga., a quilt inspired by popular Civil War songs.  Next to him is the entrance to the Parlor where the quilts by Dawn Williams Boyd of Atlanta are exhibited.  She is the 2015 Special Exhibit Artist and her quilts are not to be photographed.

Upstairs more quilts were waiting to be admired.  I especially liked quilt no. 120 "Amazing Boxes" by Laura Tate, Brookhaven, GA., who says "I collected 25 shirts from thrift stores then I made two of these quilts and most of both backs.  I still have fabric let."

Quilts on a Christmas theme were displayed in the Sewing Room.  Quilt no. 143, draped on the table is "Christmas Long Ago" by Nancy French, Dunwoody, GA., and on the door, quilt no. 138 is "Japanese Rose" by Menku Ozumerzifon of Norcross, GA.

More quilts were in bedrooms, including quilts for children and even a doll bed quilt.

I walked up carefully to the attic, as the stairs are uneven and very steep.  There were more lovely quilts to please the eyes.  Some were hanging against the walls; others were hanging free in the middle of the attic.  Quilt no. 182 "Summer Holiday" by Maetha Elliott of Kennesaw, GA., was made with upholstery fabric as a background for the flags.

 Some were draped on furniture and a bed.  Quilt no. 171 "Bursting Star" was hand-quilted for Pat Simone of Dunwoody, GA., by her mother in 1977-78.

Then I walked back down, stopping on the first floor stairs to look closely at quilt no. 97 "Tales of a Thousand Threads" by Elizabeth Frolet of Dunwoody, GA.

It was time to find my husband.  He was sitting on the front porch in a rocking chair watching a hawk way up in a tree.  I tried to take its photograph even though it was a bit far for my lens.

We walked away toward our car, stopping again to look at the perky daffodils.

As we drove away we saw that the house adjacent to Bulloch Hall was for sale.  I stopped and took some photographs (I could still see Bulloch Hall from the front yard.)  Later I checked and found out that the house is called the "Dolvin House" after its late owner, Emily F. Gordy Dolvin (1912-2006) also known as Aunt Sissy.  She was the youngest of nine children and one of her sisters, Lillian Gordy Carter was the mother of Jimmy Carter, the 39th President of the United States.  The two-story house was built in 1900, has 4,160 square feet and a 1.45 acre garden.  The asking price was $1,250.000 but, if any of you would like to purchase it, it is too late as there is a contract on this house and it is no longer on the market. :-)  This house is in front of another historic home "Mimosa Hall" where I went last autumn for an estate sale - click here to see the post on it.

At the end of the road was the Roswell Square where we stopped at a small restaurant called "Spiced Right Rib House Barbecue."  My husband had a sandwich with two sides and I had part of his sandwich and two sides - corn casserole and fried okra.  It felt great to sit down.


  1. Beautiful quilts! I read about those 2 California girls etching their initials on the walls of the Coliseum. Only a hefty fine can dissuade others to do the same. Isn't it amazing that awe and respect of this building never entered their mind? But defacing it and posting it on Facebook sounded like "a great thing to do".

  2. Vagabonde, What a beautiful granddaughter! Really cute and adorable... Loved the quilts although I do prefer old/antique quilts. We have a few of various ages. Last year we visited the National Quilt Museum in Paducah KY. They have rotating shows and usually some old quilts on display as well. Take Care, Big Daddy Dave

  3. I have to say..the baby swept me away♥

    I can't comment on vandalism..etc..
    Except to say..
    I know where I stand on the subject..never understood who what when or where people feel the need to do this.
    It only happened once in our lifetime w/ was a school friend of our daughters..
    He apologized 20 yrs later..
    I always knew it was him;)
    Your very photogenic..and I hope he always keeps his beautiful head of hair..just like that.

    Quilts tell stories ..always.

  4. Some of these quilts are works of art. The colours are breathtaking. The women who make them must be highly motivated and dedicated to their craft.

    Stupid women, carving their initials into the stone of the Coliseum. Sometimes I don’t believe how ignorant people can be. I hope they will learn from this, but I doubt it. They probably feel very hard done by.

  5. Your newest addition to the family is enchanting.
    Love the quilts and am in awe at the artistry.
    Our local government stepped in a removed our love-locks very quickly last year.
    Selfies? Sigh. I understand that in some parts of the world they are known as 'braggies', which strikes me as about right. And often bragging without reason.

  6. David –The pictures of the baby on my post are not of my grand-daughter. May be I was not clear. She is the new baby of my daughter’s brother and sister in law, so she is not really related to me, that is why I said “extended family.” The baby’s grand-parents, from India, are also my daughter’s father and mother in law – I know this gets complicated. I would like to see the National Museum of Quilts – that must be a great place. Thanks for the comment.

  7. Thank you for sharing that beautiful child. She is definitely an adorable person. And I looked at all those quilts with amazement, but I must admit that No. 13 is my favorite of all of them, though why exactly I cannot say. :-)

  8. Vagabonde, You were clear enough regarding your relationship with that beautiful baby...but I didn't read it and focus on your words... Not too quick on my part! Take Care, Big Daddy Dave

  9. Hi Vagabonde - lovely photos of your newest addition to the family - Kerala is a place I'd love to visit one day. The quilts are extraordinary .. such variety and so fabulous to look at - no wonder you were ready for a sit down ...

    Fun post - love all the photos etc .. cheers Hilary

  10. Wow Vagabonde,
    What an amazing show of patchwork quilts.
    They all tell their own tale.. they are stunning.
    Your post is full of information.
    I wonder what the American police would do if people started to carve their initials on state buildings!!
    some people are so dumb.
    A most enjoyable post.

  11. The color choices on the quilts are fascinating. Some repeat the same colors, others choose many at once. I think your photography and your collaging skills bring the whole exhibit to life for your readers!

    I admire people who feel that marriage is between whole families, so that you feel related to that beautiful baby even if the link is not by blood.

    best... mae at

  12. Attirée tout d’abord par ces deux magnifiques maisons de plantations ! Je suis toujours fascinée par leur architecture, leur histoire et leur maintien. On pourrait dire la même chose de ces patchworks qui resteront pour la postérité j’en suis sure. Cherchant l'autre jour un tissu pour en terminer un commence en Arizona je me suis rendue dans l’un des derniers magasins pour patchwork de Toulouse, comme c’est triste…
    Le numéro 120 semble être celui le plus à mon gout si je devais en mettre un quelque part chez nous.

  13. I think I want all of the quilts - love them because they are art but super practical too.
    What a sweet baby.
    I totally agree about the stupid 'love-locks' - they have them in Prague too now.
    I suppose you cannot stop the idiocy of some tourists - ever -see Napolean's troops' graffiti on Egypt - and initials carved into the bamboo at the Jardin Majorelle in Marrakesh.
    Anyway, Frances has often spoken about you - so great to visit your blog.

  14. Hello Vagabonde, as always, enjoyed your blog and the pictures. How beautiful those quilts are, the exhibition would take me all day I think in order to take in all the details. Juste de retour d'une visite à ton pays natale, mais seulement Lille. Le ciel bleu, la route agréable et beaucoup de bienfaisance à l'économie française de ma part. Je vous embrasse tous les deux.

  15. I love quilts. So many of them are so wonderful I can't really get a hold on them. I think Texas Braid might be one of my favourites too - it is certainly one which caught my eye immediately.

  16. Vagabonde, I enjoyed reading this post and taking a look at your photographs so much.

    Your beautiful little family addition is so, so sweet. It will be fun to see more photos of her as she grows up. Perhaps you are doing some knitting?

    Your update on the the Parisienne love locks is so, so maddening. How can people be so lacking in a sense of esthetics, or appreciation of the world that exists beyond their own small aura?

    No answer requried. I suspect that variations on this theme have been altering beautiful areas since we humans began to walk on two legs.

    On to quilts. It's grand to see that these marvelous creations are having another annual chance to be displayed in this historic home. I admid that many of the quilts you saw are not quilts that seem beautiful to me, and yet...I am in such awe of the many stitches and time and love thant went into their creation.

    I loved the photograph of your husband sitting on the porch, as he watche the beauty of nature.

    And...I would have gladly ordered a side of that okra for lunch. Maybe two sides! xo

  17. Hi Vagabonde.

    Good wishes to you and your husband.

    The sheer variety of quilts is beyond imagining. How glorious to have one such gem on my bed! Quilting is big here in Australia and there is a huge festival of quilts in Brisbane every year.

    Yes, people will vandalise anything. I'm glad those vandals at the Colleseum were apprehended. People used to knock off bits of the Egyptian Pyramids too. I hope that's no longer happening!

    Denise :-)

  18. Hi, Vagabonde!
    I love seeing quilts and always wonder how hard this work is! I liked this one next to Jim and another with baskets.
    I also agree with you: the tourist vandalism is terrible thing! I've seen some letters on Colosseum walls as well.

  19. Mother used to save scraps of material cut from old things and use them in quilts she made -- I cannot recall what she called them but think the word "crazy" was part of them --- maybe crazy quilts. I have never seen so many quilts with such brilliant colors.

  20. A fascinating post, and the quilts and other images are so beautiful!!!

  21. Thank you for another fascinating post. I knew that Emily Dolvin was President Carter's aunt and lived in Roswell. Her husband (Mr. Dolvin) was for many years the principal of Roswell Elementary School.

    Have you created a post about Barrington Hall, also in Roswell? For many years, a church I used to attend was right behind Barrington Hall on King Street (named for Roswell King, Roswell's founder) but it was torn down to make way for a shopping center.

  22. I am always so thrilled when you go to this show -- your photographs never cease to amaze me, both your own skill photographing these works of art and the amazing quilts themselves. I am in awe with each new image that pops up on the screen.

    It sounds like a wonderful day -- down to the restaurant! And your newest extended family member is adorable!

  23. Quels fascinants travaux de courtepointe. ahurissant de penser à la somme de travail qu'il a fallu dans chaque cas.

    Pour les touristes… les touristes sont une plaie, partout. Les Chinois en Égypte et en France, Les Russes un peu partout. Les Américains aussi J'ai personnellement empêché des Japonais d'endommager l'Arc de Triomphe. C'est triste de penser que la seule façon de les mater est peut-être de les mettre en prison.

  24. Oh my, those quilts are gorgeous! And, the baby even cuter. You have a very interesting post with lots to consider and appreciate. I did hear about the issue of locks put on various bridges around the world. Such a shame!

  25. oH that baby is SO adorable!! Very angelic. The rest of the post looks fascinating - all these quilts - i will come back tomorrow to look at them more slowly. I was just going to turn off the computer and turn in.

  26. What an absolute magnificent display of quilts and a perfect setting. I would have to agree on the quilt draped over the couch ... it is fantastic.
    The wee sweet babe is adorable. The bottom pic where she is amongst the traditional fabrics is endearing. She is beautiful...
    Susan x

  27. Beautiful precious baby! Wow.

    The quilt show is gorgeous in this space. I really don't care for quilt shows at big boxy venues where they hang in cold space. I would rather seem them in a homey setting like this. As you know, I like the contemporary ones. Tales of a Thousand Threads looks like the old crazy quilts ... which were the original improv quilts, I guess. Very nice!

  28. I came back this morning to go through the quilts - i love so many of them - the one on the master bedroom bed is probably my favorite. Really enjoyed this post.

  29. Your photos are lovely--you have a good eye. I always wanted to live in an old home, one that had some history, with a porch in front and a swing. Also a dog somewhere. . .sigh.

  30. As you know by now, Vagabonde, I'm totally enthralled by quilts and their endless possibilities for creativity and design. Sister Ruth is into the free-flowing modern forms these days (which you've seen at her site), but I am in love with all of them, some more than others. I love that you keep going back to show us what you see. Thank you.

  31. A beautiful house - that's a lot of quilts! (While we get frequent warm weather this time of year, winter isn't over at my elevation, as March and April are typically our snowiest months, and we can get blizzards well into May.)

  32. Bonjour Vagabonde, je comprends ton plaisir à admirer toutes ces pièces différentes et uniques ; ces assemblages sont tout de même plus beaux que ces affreux cadenas amassés comme des cellules cancéreuses qui échappent à tout contrôle. Cette mode est arrivée très vite, j'avais remarqué ce phénomène en Chine pour la première fois en 2007, j'imagine que cela cessera aussi soudainement... Ton mari prend son plaisir aussi à sa façon en t'attendant à l'extérieur et jouissant de ce que le moment lui apporte...
    Tes petits beignets me font penser qu'il est midi passé ici et que mon mari ne va pas rentrer déjeuner avant une demi-heure encore

  33. J'aime bein pour la lumière et les couleurs le montage que tu as placé en troisième sur ce message, les photos de guingois sont très originalement disposées...
    Quant à petite princesse, la vie lui est ouverte, elle en a conscience et dans son sommeil semble bien soucieuse. Elle aura des mentors pour l'accompagner dont ses grands parents avec leur bienveillance... Cette série me rappelle une toute nouvelle-née croisée dans une oasis au Maroc où travaillait un ami géologue. Une puce si petite, emmitouflé dans sa couverture serrée. Elle avait les yeux soulignés de khôl... Une beauté fragile...

  34. Hello Vagabonde !
    The little baby girl is very cute. She is adorable.
    Comme toujours magnifique publication !
    Je suis contente que tu reviennes sur les cadenas de l'amour et encore plus de savoir que la Mairie de Paris se penche enfin sur le problème. J'avais contacté l'an passé je crois la mairie de Paris à ce sujet et elle m'avait répondu qu'elle s'en occupait. Il faudrait peut-être qu'ils accélèrent le mouvement avant que le Pont des Ars ne croule et ne s'écroule.
    Plus beaux les uns que les autres les patchworks.
    Le bâtiment style colonial et le park sont très beaux.
    J'espère que tu as bien reçu mon mail te remerciant pour ce que tu sais.

  35. I am always so in awe of the creativity and artistry of those quilters. These quilts are masterpieces! Wow!

  36. I always enjoy your quilt posts, Vagabonde. So colourful and creative.
    Those mansions are impressive and their historic connections very interesting, but the star of this post has to be that beautiful little baby girl.

  37. Bravo pour votre blog , félicitations pour son anniversaire et merci pour ces beax jardins fleuris!
    Superbes quilts!


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