Above is a painting by Belgian artist Alfred Stevens (1828-1906) suitably named “On a Stroll.”
We are still away on our little trip. Before I left I read the short poem below and it gave me the idea for this post.
Gone... so gone...
Please excuse if I don't respond.
Far... so far. I can't b reached in a plane or car.
High... so high. Forgive me if there was no goodbyes.
Don't kno if ill b away 4 long
But right now I'm daydreaming
And I'm gone... so gone... – Ryan Jones
“The real voyage of discovery consists not in seeking new landscapes but in having new eyes.” -Marcel Proust
Please excuse if I don't respond.
Far... so far. I can't b reached in a plane or car.
High... so high. Forgive me if there was no goodbyes.
Don't kno if ill b away 4 long
But right now I'm daydreaming
And I'm gone... so gone... – Ryan Jones
Ryan Jones is a young poet from Baton Rouge, Louisiana. I did find a vintage postcard of Baton Rouge and here it is below –

From this little trip there should be new landscapes with plenty of photographs and ideas for future posts. This voyage may even include a walk in the autumn woods as in the vintage postcard below –

From this little trip there should be new landscapes with plenty of photographs and ideas for future posts. This voyage may even include a walk in the autumn woods as in the vintage postcard below –

*** Hello Vagabonde ! ***
Très belle citation de Marcel Proust !... j'espère qu'en ce moment tu as de nouveaux yeux pour re-découvrir la France ! :o)
Merci de me faire découvrir
Ryan Jones ce jeune poète... le texte est magnifique et trè-s bien illustré !
*** Merci Vagabonde et je te souhaite une bonne continuation !!!! *** GROS BISOUS ***
Bonjour Vagabobde,
Je sais que tu es en voyage et que tu vas passer tout près de chez moi sans pouvoir t'arrêter, dommage! Tu dois être à Paris en ce moment puisque tu vas voir Césaria?? Bon spectacle alors. Son dernier album est une merveille!
Je te souhaite un joyeux séjour dans tous ces beaux pays par lesquels tu vas passer et te dis à très bientôt...
Très amicalement, Kenza
The final quote wraps up your post wonderfully well!
Beautiful images! And I love the quote from Proust -- A bit like Thoreau's 'I have traveled much in Concord.'
Looking forward to seeing what your eyes discover on your wanderings.
Although I've missed you, I am so happy to know that future posts from you are in my future. I remember a little song from my hippie years which you just reminded me of: Gone, gone, gone beyond, gone beyond beyond. Hail the Goer!
Lovely post. Glad you are well these autumn days.
Mon cher Vagabonde, so nice to hear from you. Just love the poem, the painting and the vintage postcards! Have a blast mon ami and lassiez les bon ton rouler!
Le tableau de l'artiste Belge est super beau.
Les bois en automne aussi.
J'espère que ton voyage se passe bien. A bientôt !
happy travels! love the poem and the postcards. thanks
hi, i love these pictures of your post, i love painting and vintage works. The phrase of Marcel Proust is one of my favourites too.
I'm looking forward to your return.
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