Last Sunday, March 30, 2014, was the fifth year anniversary of my blog. I published my first post on March 30th, 2009. First, I had written an
Introduction then the post which was called "
Rancho Los Cerritos." This post was short, just two paragraphs and one collage. I received 4 comments on this first post. Rancho Los Cerritos was close to our daughter's condo. Here are some more photos I took that day and did not publish. (Click on collage twice to enlarge.)

At the time I wrote that I wished my two little grandsons could read about my past and now I have 4 grand children! Now I also publish more pictures in my posts. Unfortunately I have noticed that many of my pictures have been copied without my consent, some are even being sold as computer screen backdrops, and so I try to mark some with my name. I really enjoy working with my photos, and that is this love of pictures, painting and postcards which partly started me in blogland. This past year we visited our eldest daughter, who had moved from Long Beach, California, to Memphis, Tennessee. We accompanied her to Jackson, Mississippi, on a business trip. There we visited the house of Pulitzer Prize author Eudora Welty (1909-2001.) Ms. Welty lived in this house for close to 80 years. I'll have a post on it in the future, but for now I wish to show you some of Eudora's quotations which echo my feelings.

During my last few years at work I was transferred to a different department in a large building with no windows. I would come about half an hour before work and drink a cup of coffee while looking at pictures on my computer. I found a site showing a new photo daily - and this would start my day with a beautiful image. The site had many different sections, such as landscape, animals, flowers, cities, etc. They could be downloaded. The site was called Webshots. It still exists but has been sold. Here are some of the pictures I watched, in 2006.

Looking for French pictures on the computer during lunch I had found a site by a man called Jean, who had a "Blog" called "Le Blog de Jean Couleurs." (I think he stopped the blog in 2010.) He published one picture on each post usually with little or no text. Below are some of the pictures I saw on his blog in early 2006. I printed the photo of the garden gate and placed in on the file cabinet facing my computer so I could look at it and imagine that I would walk through that door into a romantic garden.
At about that time, April 2006, I read an article in the New York Times, under Retirement, about "Elderbloggers." You can read it
here. That is when I started to look at blogs. In the fall of 2006 my daughter had also started a family blog. When we visited her in Long Beach in March 2009 to celebrate my birthday, she persuaded me to start my own blog and helped me create one. We called it "Recollections of a Vagabonde." By May 2009, I had three followers already, who still read my blog today. I thank them heartily for having been reading my posts for these last five years. Thank you Elaine of
Arctic View , Friko of
Friko's World and Djan of
Djan-ity . I appreciate your friendship. Now I won't show pictures taken these last five years, as this post would last 10 pages or more, but I have picked some photos from this last year of blogging, since March 2013. Some of these images were in posts, some not yet. These below are from last spring.
After a long winter spring flowers are always an exciting sight.
This past year I was able to photograph a variety of subjects, including animals. In March 2013 I took a picture of our new little kitten, Mitsuko, a Korat female, who was about 2 months old then.
During the course of the year I was able to photograph more animals. Don't forget to click on pictures to see better.
In May 2013 we welcomed our latest grandchild, a little girl (after 3 grandsons.) I had been busy knitting baby blankets.
Then when we came back to Georgia we drove to New Echota, the former capital of the Cherokee Nation and attended the service commemorating the 175th anniversary of the Cherokee Trail of Tears.
In 2013 we visited three of my favorite cities - San Francisco, New Orleans and New York. In June it was San Francisco (I still have several posts coming relating to that visit.)
We also visited some interesting museums and exhibitions during the year.
We ate some delicious meals. I made up a new cake recipe - an upside down fresh fig cake.
This last year of blogging I took so many pictures again that it is hard to choose which ones to show here - birds, or cats, or interesting shots or scenery - the selection is large indeed.
We rode the train they call The City of New Orleans and loved it - more posts on New Orleans will be coming up.
In New Orleans, Memphis and other towns, we stopped to listen to musicians.
We also stopped to look at flowers and read meaningful quotations.
Our warmest day might have been in Key West, Florida or the Bahamas.
Our coldest was in New York City - but it was warm in the Public Library.
It was cold one day only for us in New York, and then the weather was temperate for the rest of our stay.
This last blogging year saw much activities and beautiful images. I still have many photos that are not downloaded. It has been a pleasure to share my pictures here on my blog. I thought that once I retired I would not meet many people, but with this blog I have met and become friends with many talented, kind and interesting people from all over the USA and many parts of the world. Some I have met in person such as Naomi in Hollywood, California of the blog
Here in the Hills and others several times, such as Frances in New York of the blog
City Views, Country Dreams . We even went all the way to Oslo, Norway, to attend a Blog Gathering! I know that I now look at the world with a keener eye, looking for the right picture and trying to absorb all the information so I can share it on my blog - the picture can be of an attractive person, or appealing color combination.
The picture can be of a glamorous bird or just an old pot in a window,
or it can be a photo taken from the wall of a local historic railway station,
or just a gorgeous sunset on the Mississippi River.
My life has certainly been enriched by this blog. I have learned so much from all the creative bloggers I read. I wish to say a heartfelt "Thank You" and "Merci" to all my readers. I appreciate that they have taken some of their precious time to leave a comment and I also appreciate the readers who just look at my pictures. These five years of blogging have gone by very quickly and I'm looking forward to many more.